Thursday, June 26, 2008

Day 17

I thought I'd write a bit of a scene that comes later on in my droid story; I'm a bit too tired for the novel idea or the werewolf story. I'm not so attached to this story, so I don't mind messing it up. :)


The door slid shut behind Nia and she collapsed on the bunk. The cabin was small; standing with her hands outstretched, her palms would probably lie flat against the metal walls. There was a little storage under the bunk, consisting of several metal boxes with latches, but apart from that the room was bare.

She shook her head to clear it and grabbed her pack. Turning it upside down she dumped its contents out onto the bed. Along with her cloth roll of tools were a few changes of clothes, a small purse that clinked as it fell, a notebook, a pen, and a small metal box that she picked up. It fit into the palm in her hand and a closer look revealed it to be made of nothing more than different bits of scrap metal. Nia turned it over and pressed a piece before setting it on the ground.


Ooo, not much today. Ah well. Must sleep now. ^_^

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